Monday, August 17, 2009


In the race to control the robotic pet market (if there is such a competition), Hasbro has started the FurReal Friends line. Robotic animals that look and act like real pets. Now a robot dog I get. It would do all the cute tricks and bark without having to walk or feed it. Plus, it would stay puppy-size forever. The cat too I’m down with. Ok, maybe a little less productive, but it’s something the kids can pet and cuddle without getting scratched. But a parrot…really? The most annoying bird on the planet, and you want to turn it into a robot? I gotta assume Hasbro knows more about their target-market than I do. So for $140 (on Amazon) you can own Sqawkers McCaw the Parrot. You can teach it up to 45 words and phrases (nothing dirty I assume). Like a real parrot, it has been programmed to act up and be totally unpredictable. That's a good thing? And yes, when it’s hungry you can feed it a toy cracker (included with purchase). Other that your kid’s TLC, ol’ Squawkers take 4 AAA batteries.

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