Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Say you go to the Nebraska State Fair. Along with ingesting ungodly amounts of "food on a stick," you might see a prize-winning pig. Or check out the 4th largest turnip in the world (not sure how they prove that). Though, if you’re real lucky, you might be treated to a Jim Victor butter masterpiece.

Some sculptors chip away at marble. While other artists work with wood. Jim Victor’s choice of medium – sweet, creamy butter. He has been churning (sorry) out butter sculptures for over 30 years. His art has graced the pages of the NY Times and Der Spiegel.

As a PA native, Jim has exhibited a large portion of his work in museums and at prominent sites in Philadelphia. Of course his reputation has mainly been built on the County and State Fair circuit. There he has proven himself to be not just the Botticelli of butter, but the Cezanne of cheddar, the Van Gogh of veggies and the Chagall of chocolate.

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