Monday, August 3, 2009


“I like waking up to the smell of bacon, sue me.”

A memorable quote/ scene from The Office. We see Michael Scott angrily displaying his homemade air-cast to the cameras. The injury had occurred because Michael (like all of us) was trying to fulfill a lifelong dream of waking up to the smell of farm fresh, sizzling bacon. Seems like this should be filed under fiction, right next to Marty McFly’s hoverboard (ala Back To The Future II). Not so fast. The brilliant minds of Matty Sallin, Daniel Bartolini and Hsiao-huh Hsu have managed to make our dreams come true with the Wake n’ Bacon. How does it work? Simple. Place the bacon in the handy dandy wooden alarm clock/cooker the night before. About 10 minutes before you wake up the bacon starts to cook. Then PRESTO, at the desired time you are awakened to the delicious smell of bacon. Minus a leg burn.

NWM: For optimal results use one strip of bacon. [click here for full Wake n' Bacon stats]

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