Thursday, August 27, 2009


The syndicated classic SMALL WONDER debuted on FOX in '85. Back then syndicated shows had a real uphill battle when it came to finding an audience. For one thing, they didn’t have a zillion cable stations to land a cushy primetime spot. Nope. Syndi-comedies like What's Happening Now, Out of This World and Yakov Smirnoff's What a Country were stuck slumming in the Saturday afternoon, network graveyard shift (4 – 6pm). Though out of all of 'em, Small Wonder did manage to survive for 4 seasons. So where’s the cast now?

Vicki The Robot (Tiffany Brissette): Tried to make a go at acting, appearing in the short-lived Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. Currently Tiffany works as a nurse in Boulder Colorado.

Jamie Lawson (Jerry Michael Supiran): Did the sitcom circuit after, guest starring on Newhart and Mr. Belvedere. Then graduated to TV movies (Policewoman Centerfold and Love Thy Neighbor). Unfortunately, there have only been rumors circulating about Jerry's current career paths. Some say he's a roadie for bands like Alice In Chains. Others swear they’ve seen Jerry working at a Taco Bell somewhere in California.

Ted Lawson (Dick Christie): Managed to keep up with the acting a bit longer. His credits include Who’s The Boss, Hunter and Mama’s Family. In 1999 he wrote the romantic comedy Molly.

Joan Lawson (Marla Pennington): Marla too kept busy in the 80s with appearances on Happy Days, The Incredible Hulk and Soap. In 2009 she’ll be seen on the big screen in the movie Imps. An uber-racially-charged, offensive film that oddly wasn’t released for 20 years…‘til now.

Harriet Brindle (Emily Schulman): Probably the biggest success story. Originally a commercial starlet featured in spots for McDonalds, Mattel, Quaker Oats and Pepsi. Now she works as a commercial agent head in LA.

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