Sunday, September 27, 2009


by Greg Colfaz (NWM Staff Writer)

A big howdy from Cottonwood, Idaho. So the other day I had to do an errand for my boss. He needed some check (for some permit) dropped off at the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce building. Easy sell for me, since I can’t stand jockeying the supermarket register at lunchtime. Especially when it’s 2 for 1 Tuna cans day. Thrillsville. Anyway, I get to the building and drop off the check no problem. I had about 4 cups of Chatterbox Cafe coffee in my system so I really needed a pit stop. I figured I'd go in the Commerce building bathroom. Walking in it looked to me like any other office park men’s room – 3 urinals, 3 stalls. Standard issue. I chose the last one of the left and went. In mid stream is when it happened. 2 coworkers walk in and they proceeded to heinously break the unwritten “guys at the urinal” code. They used the two next to me. A Urinal Trio! Unheard of, right? When 2 or more guys are at the urinals, you always have a 1 space buffer zone. Someone else comes in (with no properly spaced urinals), that person gets the stall. That’s just how it is. The middle stall should never ever be touched. Only on these 3 occasions is it kosher.

  1. In a stadium (preferably after the beer cut off in the 7th inning or 3rd quarter).
  2. Rock concerts (during the drum or guitar solo)
  3. Bar men’s room pee trough (Wiki it)

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