Saturday, September 5, 2009


Give us your tired, poor and huddled masses that are all business in the font and party in the back. The mullet might be dead and buried here in the states, but it’s alive and kicking in Ireland. Sources say this mullet revival has mainly been attributed to the huge influx of Eastern Europeans. The preferable style in the Emerald Isle is actually the V-Mullet. This is pretty much an oversized Mohawk that drapes down the back of the head in the shape of a V. The close second is the Box Mullet. The shorter sleeker “bad ass” Chuck Norris version. Aside from Russia and the republics, other areas that are already "mullet infected" include Spain, Colombia, parts of Germany and surprisingly – southern India.

NWM BONUS: How to cut a mullet – my bad, how to cut a sweet mullet.

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