Thursday, September 3, 2009


Working actor/comedian Jim Turner has appeared in numerous shows and films (Arli$$, The Lost Boys and Boston Legal ­– to name a few). He can also be seen in the upcoming films – Golf In the Kingdom & Love Hurts. Though perhaps his most famous role was in the Mtv promo arena. In ’87, Jim Turner was better known as Randee of the Redwoods. A peace-loving guitarist / philosopher that would offer random “Randee” rants about late 80s pop culture. Jim had originally developed the character back in his improv days with Duck’s Breath Mystery Theater. Aside from the endless TV spots, Randee made regular appearances on the Video Music Awards, Spring Break Extravaganzas and was a daily VJ fixture. His 3 year Randee run as Mtv pitchman culminated with a faux nomination for president.

For a look back at classic Randee, check out his then hit single – Either Way It’s Fine With Me.

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