Saturday, October 24, 2009


by Biz-Boy (NWM Staff Writer)

I'd say 90% of my post 10:32pm activities involve me trolling the web. Looking for some type of free porn. I’m not ashamed to admit it. However I would be embarrassed if people discovered said sites I frequent most. If you live alone, that’s pretty much not a problem. If you’re married or have a special someone in your life, it could become an "I can't believe I'm dating a freak" issue if those sites are discovered.


A lot of guys will say, just devote a folder within your browser and mark it something that’d deter her from snooping like Linux Format or Fantasy Sports Sites. Honestly, the folder will do nothing for you. The problem is the memory these engines have. Specifically the browser history and cookies. Google (or any engine) will remember previous searches that are similar to the word you’re typing. So say your wife is looking for a recipe for a Blondie (a chocolate chip cookie cake). She types in “BLOND” and a phrase like “Blondes who are busty” comes up. It’s the same with the URL. Type a couple of letters in the address and all of the sudden your favorite porn sites appear. Not good.


My advice is full-proof. Simply download a completely different browser. This way you can do all the porn surfing you want and not get discovered. I’d recommend using – Internet Explorer, Opera and my personal favorite Sea Monkey. Or any browser your significant other is not familiar using. Happy trolling, fellow freak.

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