Saturday, November 7, 2009


by Biz-Boy (NWM Staff Writer)

As a previous (avid) collector of porn literature, the internet to me has been a godsend. It totally eliminated the need to house a secret stash. Which after a while took up quite a bit of space under my bed and closet. It also removed any trepidation I had about the discovery of said stash. That being said, porn surfing still presents its own problems. Especially if your significant other shares the computer. She (or he) has just as much chance of discovering your porn site bookmarks on the search engine as finding your nudie periodicals. My suggestion is a simple one. Create a separate folder for your porn sites. However, the real trick is in when it comes to naming the porn folder. For obvious reasons, PORN, SEX or NAKED STUFF aren’t optimal options. Instead, try these 2 suggestions...

  1. A name that has to do with a boring part of your job (ex. Analytics, Strategies, etc.)
  2. Total nonsense computer-sounding words. (ex. Linux back-up, XK-Ram, etc.)

I also like to do what I refer to as Double Bagging. Meaning, I don’t just house my bookmarks in one folder. I create a subfolder within the main one. Again, I name it a similar boring name. This way if the folder is accidentally clicked on, the equally boring subfolder will be displayed. No porn. Mission accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. How about a folder called "Windows System Files"
