Saturday, December 12, 2009


by Eddie Winkle (NWM Staff Writer)

As you are reading this entry hundreds Santas are invading the streets of NYC today (Saturday, December 12th). It’s for sure not to snag a holiday gig at the mall. It’s SantaCon. A traditional, holiday bar crawl with a purpose – to collect food for the NYC food bank. Last year SantaCon managed to donate 1000 lbs of food. This year the goal is set at over a ton. The crawl starts at 10am sharp, and has 5 different starting points that covers all the boroughs. It’s sorta like the NYC marathon, only with beer.


In order to participate in this bar crawl a teeny tiny Santa hat won’t cover it. You need to be full on Saint Nick. Hence why it will be Day of the Living Santa.

THE RULES (from the site):

In order NOT to be excluded from all the merriment SantaConers must abide by these rules (posted on

  1. Don't f-ck with kids.
  2. Don't f-ck with cops.
  3. Don't f-ck with security.
  4. Don't f-ck with Santa.

The crawl lasts all day and into the night. My advice to parents with kids, refrain from putting little ones on Santa’s lap today. Please refer to exhibits A, B, C & D below for clarification.

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