Tuesday, December 1, 2009


by Biz-Boy (NWM Staff Writer)

PLEASE NOTE: These tips are for people that share a computer with a significant other.

In the quest for free porn a good number of aficionados will take advantage of forum-based sites. The benefits are the ability to view all kinds of videos and pictures for absolutely no money down. In some cases the porn paysites will actually host these free forums. They do this for the ability to preview upcoming models and clips to the right target audience. The only problem with using sites like this, is you’re required to join them. Usually all you need is a username, password and an email. Username/password is no biggie. However, the email address can present problems. Again, this would be due to the fact if your significant other either shares your e-address or has easy access to it. Forums will usually send an email notification when you first join and then e-updates when someone posts to the forum. If you decide to go the forum route here are 4 tips I’d suggest.

  1. Join the site when your signiifigant other isn’t around. This way you can activate it through your email without she (or he) finding out.
  2. If your partner does discover the porn email-updates, just simply play them off as spam. Then visit the site later.
  3. Be diliegent about deleting the porn emails. Use a mobile device to trash your emails so they won’t be discovered later.
  4. Sign up for another email service (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc.) that you just use for porn. Just be careful not to let “you know who” see it or there could be hell to pay.

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