Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Seinfeld made light of a dry cleaner’s code. For those who haven't watched every episode like a zillion and 1 times, that's the one where he pretends to be married to Courtney Cox so she can get a dry cleaning discount. The Sein-writers basically inferred that all dry cleaners have set ethics that they live by. Of course, yada, yada, yada, the dry cleaner’s wife winds up wearing Jerry’s mom’s fur coat.

After much e-searching (aside from the Seinfeld episode) I couldn’t find anything about this national cleaner code in the U.S. Though surprisingly there are states that have taken the initiative and set up their own dry cleaning governing bodies like in California and Oregon.

This is the mission bullet points from Oregon's site:

  • To elevate the standards of the dry cleaning industry
  • To promote the interests of Oregon Dry Cleaners Association members. 

  • To bring about a spirit of cooperation among all dry cleaners
  • To extend opportunities to dry cleaners for education along the lines of industrial, scientific, and vocational Activities.

California's site goes a bit further and provides information on what to do if you’ve been wronged by your dry cleaner. Nothing official that'd hold up in a court of law, but still it is a start.

Both sites refer to some Federal Trade Commission on Textile, Wool, Fur, and Apparel Matters. Never did find out what they officially do.


I found Australia to be the second most psuedo-responsible when it came to dry cleaning rights. This is their Dry Cleaners Association (DIA) fancy mantra...

As a non-profit organization, the DIA has the central goal of unifying the industry and representing the best interests of Australia's many dry cleaning businesses. Individual dry cleaning firms can seek advice from the DIA, voice concerns or even gain assistance in legal matters relating to their dry cleaning business.

Yada, yada, yada…they protect laundromats too.

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