Thursday, January 14, 2010


Webster defines a sport as an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition. In the real world we've klinda blurred that physical exertion part a bit (in some cases). However that in NO way dilutes the competitive spirit, especially in a sport like Tiddlywinks.


The easy explanation for this sport (for Gen X and Yers) is it’s like quarters without the beer. Essentially you need to use a big disc (the squidger) to get the little discs (the winks) into a cup or pot.


[forgive me winkers if I massacre this section]

Bomb: To launch a wink into a pile to disturb it.
Crud: A shot made with force to destroy a pile completely.
Gromp: Trying to jump a pile onto another wink.
Squop: To play a wink on top of another wink.


Believe it or not, this 100 year old sport boasts a global following. In these international /national tournaments you can either play with a partner (pairs) or go the single route. UK and USA teams tend to rule the roost. If you’re interested in becoming the TW World Champ you first have to have success on the national circuit before heading on over to the International Federation of Tiddlywinks Associations (IFTwA).

The last world Tiddlywink competition (in Cambridge this past Oct.) had national title holders from all over the world Tiddling head to head. The results for the singles were as follows (sorry, no clue what the numbers mean):

Matt Fayers (USA) beat Matthew Rose (UK) 27.5-14.5 5-1

FYI…currently the federations are petitioning for TW to be included as a sport in the 2012 Summer Olympic games in London. USA! USA!


  1. I don't like the name "Tiddlywinks" or "Tinker Toys" ... just saying.
    Ally@Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  2. I find the word Tiddlywinks funny for some reason. Although I am cheering for the UK!

    Kate xx

  3. I used to play. Then that danged shakeup... suddenly a kid strung out on pixie sticks and Pepsi wasn't good enough to be in the league.
