Friday, February 5, 2010


by Eddie Winkle (NWM Staff Writer)

I might seem like a JERK for saying this, but what the hell – YOU ARE NOT A FANATIC FAN IF YOU HAVE A TOM CRUISE TRIBUTE SITE.

Travolta. Madonna. K-Fed. Mega-stars like these already have the world sucking on their teats for every last drop of wit and wisdom. I just don’t think you can achieve the status of true fanatical fan unless your site meets the following criteria.

Obsessively follows an OBSCURE celebrity, show or movie.

Constantly updating (at least twice a day)

Owns a locket of hair from celebrity, 80 versions of the movie or every episode from the series.

Has a cherished collection of reply letters from celebrity (Sorry Ally).

Frames photo taken with the celebrity or signed posters of the show / movie.

Removes and blocks all comments from page that bad mouth celebrity, movie or show.

Uses buzz words like – love, forever, best, truly, unite, undying and awesome-est!


Site features…

  • Bios
  • Series DVD updates
  • Gallery
  • Fan fiction
  • Up to date link page


Site features…

  • Bio
  • Latest news
  • Lots of autographed photos
  • Email update function
  • Detailed list of films


Site features…

  • Up to minute news updates
  • Fan Forum
  • Links to “Chucky” merchandise
  • Complete list of every Chucky kill (Chucky’s Morgue)

1 comment:

  1. Night Court fan fiction WTH!? I must go tell everyone on the Peter Scolari forum about this while cradling a locket containing his hair and uttering my undying love for Honey I shrunk the Kids.
