Sunday, February 21, 2010


by Biz-Boy (NWM Staff Writer)

Yeah, probably not the best choice of posts for a NY Jew. But just for the record here, I’m not shooting off blasphemous comments about their lives. All I’m doing is making a simple observation about which pastor’s wife I’d covet and love it. PRAISE JESUS! Again, no disrespect.

JONI PARSLEY (wife of Rod Parsley)
Ministry: World Harvest Church
Service broadcast time: Sunday, 10am (EST)

VICTORIA OLSTEEN (wife of Joel Olsteen)
Ministry: Joel Olsteen Ministries
Service broadcast time: Sunday, 7:30am (EST)

GLORIA COPELAND (wife of Kenneth Copeland)
Ministry: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Service broadcast time: 24hrs a day

PAULA WHITE (originally co-ministers w/ ex-husband Randy White)
Ministry: Without Walls International Church
Service broadcast time: Sunday, 9am (EST)


  1. These women look like aliens to me. But that might be because I just read Uber Grumpy's post on alien abductions. On the other hand, it might be because of all the plastic surgeries they've had.

  2. Looks like someone gave that Gloria chick two black eyes
