Saturday, February 13, 2010


by Biz-Boy (NWM Staff Writer)

Less than 24 hrs. to V-day. Couples are free to do what they want tomorrow. Unfortunately, single or newly dating guys do have some unwritten ruless they need to abide by. Code states you're NOT allowed to ask the girl out tomorrow (it will deem you psychotic). Same thing goes for those dudes 2 dates in to a NEW relationship. So sorry to say ladies, if you are in any of those situations you should probably hit blockbuster and Ben & Jerry’s now.

I say “probably” 'cause there is always the Wicca way out. Create your very own LOVE POTION, and hex that manly code right out the guy. Oh and bonus if you’re on a budget, each of these spells can be created for under 35 bucks.

LOVE POTION #1 (Courtesy of


  • Cinnamon
  • Yarrow (herb)
  • Spring Water (1 bottle)
  • 2 – 3 large apples
  • Cast-iron saucepan


Add all the ingredients to saucepan. Pour in enough water to fully submerge spell items. Stir clockwise on low heat. After 90 minutes strain, and place contents in dark jar. Put a few drops in your perfume and you’re good to go.

LOVE POTION #2 (Courtesy


  • Honey (3 spoons)
  • Brandy wine (3 spoons)
  • Pink Rose
  • Silver Spoon


Add all the ingredients to a pot. Stir once you recite the last 3 lines of the following spell:

Three hearts of precious wild pink rose

that under sun and starlight grows;

Three silver spoons of honey gold

awakens powers of the old;

Three silver spoons of brandy wine

you shall be mine, you shall be mine.

You shall be mine till I you free

This is my will, so shall it be.

LOVE POTION #3 (Courtesy of

Ingredients (all essential oils):

  • jojoba oil (1/2 cup)

Add 9 drops of each of the following:

  • ambergris
  • cinnamon
  • frankincense
  • jasmine
  • lavender
  • musk
  • orange blossom
  • rose
  • violet
  • ylang ylang


Add all ingredients to pot and stir clockwise. Cool in a dark glass container. Dab on a few drops right before you meet up with your love-target.

1 comment:

  1. If you cook yarrow you better be prepared to be bowled over by the smell, that stuff is wicked strong.
