Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Golden rule of ass kissing – Thou shalt suck up to the boss, but nay at thy self expense. Meaning, you can stick your head up the boss's butt, just don’t be obvious about it. One of the easier ways to accomplish this is by using the “to his point” method. Here are two scenes with the same scenario. One uses my method. The other goes with a more obvious ass kissing approach. Which do you think works better?

Setup: office coworkers are talking by the water cooler when the boss walks by.

Joe: So did you catch the tournie Saturday?

Co-worker: Can’t believe Michigan State pulled it out.

Boss (interrupts): So you guys watched Dancing With The Stars too?

Co-worker: What? No way! We were talking about the…

Joe: I saw it sir. Man, was Buzz Aldrin on or what. And that outfit, wow, his junk looked spectacular. Though not half as good as yours sir.

Boss (nervous): Ok then. Carry on gentlemen. (leaves)

Co-worker (to Joe): Butt kisser.

SCENE #1B (same setup)

Joe: So did you catch the tournie Saturday?

Co-worker: Can’t believe Michigan State pulled it out.

Boss (interrupts): So you guys watched Dancing With The Stars too?

Co-worker: What? No way! We were talking about the game.

Boss: Too bad. It was pretty amazing.

Co-worker: Yeah right.

Joe: Hey, to the boss’s point I heard this season is going to be great.

Boss: Looks that way.

Joe: Yeah, Buzz Aldrin is on it.

Boss:Hey, how'd you like to watch with me at my penthouse next week?

Joe: Sounds great.

Boss: It’s a date (walks off).

Co-worker: Smooth move dude. Man am I jealous!!!!


  1. Thanks for the tip, I needed the coaching.

  2. Wow I am so not an ass kisser, I will have to commit that tip to memory and try to work it in somewhere.

  3. Hmmmm... I'd rather not date my boss. I don't think I want to pop open a bottle of wine, cuddle on the couch and watch DWTS with him.... lol
