Friday, April 23, 2010


Hey, everyone has their moments…even if you’re a deaf person. If you are at the receiving end of one of these insults, here’s what it might look like.

This is the sign for ASSHOLE.


  1. did some deaf person call you an asshole?!

    AHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! this is SOOO funny and reminds me of Una at "The Sassy Curmudgeon" when she tells about her first fist fight with a deaf girl in elementary school. HILARIOUS!!!! she then made a video blog about how to sign "bitch!" ha!!!!

  2. My daughter knows ASL. Sure wish she would have taught the granddaughters.

  3. I knew that one, LOL! I used to have a deaf friend when I lived up north. He was hilarious and very dirty. His sister who translated for me would feign disgust at what he was saying but she was just as twisted as him.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What about just giving the finger? There are so many gestures one can make, ya know?

  6. I'm not deaf...but I am somewhat hearing impaired. Next time someone rolls their eyes at me when I ask them to "please repeat", I'll remember this one.

  7. There's a sign in Australia that no other country has, because no other country sees the need for it.

    And I know it.

    The sign is for "Fuck you, fuck the lot of you"

  8. At one time I had a deaf friend at work. He always wanted to talk sports, so he taught me a lot of the terms. He didn't swear at all, so as much as I begged, he wouldn't teach me any swear words, or insults....asshole!

  9. I love learning how to curse in foreign languages!
