Tuesday, May 4, 2010


MYTH: Cows are super easy to tip because they are deep sleepers and have a higher center of gravity.

REALITY: Cows are light sleepers that are easily disturbed if touched. As far as the gravity thing goes, the mass and weight of a cow is so great you would need 4 people to even attempt a successful tip. Assuming the cow was drugged into a coma.


  1. LOL! Thanks for the great info! :)

  2. I think cow tipping is cruel. I forget what movie I saw that in...

  3. Nice! I was actually asked asked if I had been cow tipping since I live in Ohio. No where near cows though!

  4. I've often wondered about this - it didn't seem possible to me.

  5. People tipping.... We better watch out.... Will the cows take over one day and start tipping us?

  6. Some guys in high school tried to prove their manliness by cow tippin. Needless to say they failed. Score 1 for the cows.

  7. Not to debunk your debunking, but cowtipping is quite possible, and that's why it's done in groups: cows are heavy. Also, you have to sneak up on them, and run like hell. It works best if they are on a gentle slope, of course. I've not been stupid enough or interested enough to step into a field myself, but I've been present at many a cowtipping fest in my high school days, usually in the back of the truck with the cooler.

  8. Christi, I was going to post *almost* exactly what you did. I didn't grow up in an area that provided "slopes". I, too, watched from afar.

  9. Damn, I am so depressed now. I guess I need for friends to come with me this weekend for some good natured cow tipping.

  10. Also, cows have short tempers and are good at targeting their urination.

  11. Ewwww....cow-tipping means you have to actually get on their turf. Getting on their turf means stepping in cow patties. BLECCCH.
