Thursday, July 22, 2010


I’m not going to say if that’s good or bad. If you’re that curious ask some other member of our tribe for clarification. All I can say is once you go Jewish…you go retail. [ba-dump-bump-chhh] Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses.
Truthfully, I don’t think this bothers guys as much women thinks it does. But then again I always think women are caught up about breast size. So I guess we’re even. But for argument sake lets say women do have that “small breasts” hang-up. Well thanks to a male dominated society they have tons of options. Padded bras. A zillion different types of breast implants. Lactating boobs. Creams. A whole mess of crap. What do guys have? A weird looking pump contraption, medieval surgery, or shoving a sock down your pants. Not the best choices…until now. Calvin has proved once again why he’s the king of bi-curious sexually charged adolescents. His creation – CK padded Jeans (CK Body). Sure they look like regular fashion forward pants. But this pair comes with something extra – a reinforced fly and contrast stiching. Apparently that literally creates the bulge by itself, plus the colors add to the um special effect (see below). So no big junk or extra sock needed. One pair goes for $79.50. A small price to pay for a big show for all to see. Mazel Tov!


  1. Damn. $80 for some extra bulge? Yeah, I'm Jewish.

  2. Much as I enjoy spending time with my Jewish friends, I really don't see myself asking about their packages anytime soon. lol

  3. LOL....They've got something for everyone!

  4. Apparently you're well endowed or it WOULD bother you. That's what I hear at least... from the insecure guys who had to leave after I laughed at them (I kid, I kid). Seriously, though, if you have to fake a bulge with your jeans that's really sad. It's almost as sad as women who have to fake having boobs with their bra.
    Only, I wouldn't know about that because I'm well endowed. So...
    Fake away, society!

  5. I've got news for that model... I don't see anything special, just a larger fly flap. Unless a larger fly is the point, I guess I just don't get it.

  6. My hubs is a Jew and I have no complaints in the package department! Can you just imagine being the salesperson that helps out that guy who buys those pants! I would totally be making fun of the teeny weenie! Yes, I am an ass!

  7. Oh god. Are you fucking kidding me???

    I happen to think MEN are WAY more obsessed with boob size than chicks are... Just my opinion though!

  8. you know, I'm a guy and I think 思恬 hit it right on the head when he said 路過看到好的來留言湊個熱鬧. I suppose he would know! They probably sell a lot of those jeans where he lives, wherever the hell that is...

  9. You have to wonder what would have brought this to Calvin Klein's mind...

  10. False advertising! I might feel deceived if I were to..unwrap the package and find it to fall...short...of expectations?
