Tuesday, August 3, 2010


No I am not pulling your leg or yanking your you know what. The book is called NATURAL HARVEST: A COLLECTION OF SEMEN-BASED RECIPES.
 Author Paul (Fotie) Photenhauer insists that, "Semen is not only nutritious, but has a palatable texture and wonderful cooking properties." So what can you make with the pearly white stuff? Apparently lots of gooey goodies like Creamy C*m Crepes, Man Made Oysters, Almost White Russian, and Tuna Sashimi complete with dipping sauce. Oh and for all you health nuts (sorry) out there, semen is actually better than cooking with the other white meat. It contains only 5 -7 calories, plus a slew of good stuff like vitamin C, Protein, and Zinc.
So if you can get past your gag reflex, give NATURAL HARVEST: A COLLECTION OF SEMEN-BASED RECIPES a try and a buy. It’s only $24.95 @ lulu.com.  Seacrest out!

**UPDATE** Witness a birthday celebration made even better thanks to the sperm cookbook and THE NON-REVIEW blog.


  1. hahaha I am a tad grossed out but leave it to you to find a cookbook like this.

  2. So how many Weight Watchers points would that be?

  3. I was wondering about the points myself :)

  4. Wow. All the food listed is food I can't stand anyway! Now I'm going to go vomit.

  5. Well, given the general population of the earth, this may be a better use for semen. Besides, women are used to raw diets where this is concerned and so it's no news to us that they might be worth baking...

  6. Hmmm.....I think cooking it might destroy it's good properties, though.

  7. Mom to child:

    You eat your semen Johnny!! There are ugly virgins all over the world wishing they were as lucky as you to have semen for dinner!


    (runs out of comment box)

  8. You can't get this type of information just anywhere! I feel a little bit queezy right now...

  9. eeeeeee..ooooooo.bbbbllllleeecccckkkk...

  10. Note to self: DO NOT read this blog while eating dinner. As I said in my post the other night, you find the things no one is even LOOKING for!

  11. For years I've been giving away nutrition.

  12. What makes me saddest about this - I actually had already heard about this cookbook elsewhere...

    I'm so sad for me.

  13. I have no words. None.

  14. Awesome. And now I am forever linked with sperm cooking. Huzzah!
