Saturday, August 7, 2010


It’s a toss-up whether the Hello Kitty Thong panties or the above brew wins for the most awkward import from Japan. Personally I give the nod to the latter. It’s called Kodomo no nomimono (translation: Children’s Drink). Good ol’ apple juice mixed with a couple of DNA strands of nonalcoholic beer. Sangaria (the producers of this stuff) felt this might be a hot sell for kids trying to mimic mommy and daddy. They even took it an extra step further by offering Kodomo no nomimono in bottles or cans. 乾杯!

It's never too early to prepare for Spring Break.


  1. What's next, candy cigarettes? Oh. Wait. We have those too. Maybe little tiny leather outfits, complete with riding crops for our little girls? Toy condoms would probably be pretty sweet too.

    Um, have you seen our friend the crazy cat lady lately? Go see her today.

  2. We've got to jump on this trend! We can't let another country out do us! I vote for Budweiser releasing a drink aimed at our youth. They've had a hard day at preschool, they deserve a nice kiddie-lager.

  3. I'm sure the kindergarteners appreciate a cold brew after a long day at the preschool. It reminds me of when I was an adolescent and bought NearBeer or was it MetBrew? Anyways, I put it into an empty beer bottle, fed it to a friend and she got seriously drunk. Hmm... So, if you see stumbling children around the streets of Tokyo, just know it's apple juice with a little somethin'

  4. Japanese beer. I have no doubt that it is disgusting.

  5. Gonna have to order some of this for my 4 year old! He'll need a cold brew after a full day of kindergarden!
    Who knows, maybe one day He'll want the Hello Kitty thong too!
    I'm Miss BTW. I followed CB and Gucci over to the kitty skank to kick some ass and Found you!

  6. Just another way to prepare them for the hard stuff by the time they are 9 or 10, didn't have this around when I was a kid!

  7. oh dear.. i love this blog! New follower here from FF :)

  8. Near Beer for Kiddies, they'll have a taste for the real stuff by the time they hit puberty.

  9. Candy cigarettes are still available here and you can get kiddy-champagne at New Years!

  10. What will they think of next!
    BTW...Japanese beer is REALLY good...

  11. Hey - who knows....maybe they've got the right idea. You know, de-glamorize the stuff, so no one really wants it by the time they turn 18 or 19 or 21 or whatever.
