Wednesday, September 22, 2010


1-Amish women are only allowed to wear modest dresses that covers the chest, arms, and legs.

2- Belts are forbidden in the Amish community.

3- Amish men shall NOT shave their facial hair once they take the vows of marriage.

4- Amish people shun all modern conveniences like dishwashing gloves.

5- Amish women would never ever leave their hair fully exposed for the world to see.

6- Amish women believe it is a sign of vanity to wear any sort of makeup.

7- The Amish will not allow themselves to be photographed.

8-Interfaith marriages and breeding are not permitted. FYI...Melissa is Roman Catholic and rumor has it Joey Lawrence is Jewish another type of Catholic (Thanks Ally).  


  1. I just love you more and more each day. That is all.

  2. I just watched this interesting program about the Amish. When they reach a certain age, the teens are allowed to dress and live anyway they want and then must decide for themselves if they want to take the faith for themselves. Most of them end up binge drinking and doing drugs before they decide to return.

    That poster offends me, but because nothing good can come of those two together in a show.

  3. So true, so true. There's a lot of things wrong with that as far as the Amish are concerned!

    TS - I have heard the same thing (The binge drinking/whoring/drugs)... and how most return... BUT, we'll have to talk to Cheeseboy about that b/c he grew up Amish and I think his wife did too.

  4. Well, I suppose as Amish also do not have TVs, it's a good thing they'll never know. I'll keep the secret if you do.

  5. What do you call an Amish guy with his arm up a horse’s butt? ....A Mechanic.

  6. You failed to mention the bleach for her dye-job. Oh and is that a set of car keys she's holding? BIG - NO-NO!

  7. Joey Lawrence isn't Jewish! He's actually Italian as is Jason Biggs (who could pass for Jewish) ... Both actors changed their Italian names!

  8. Are Amish men even allowed to do domestic duties? Surely that's just for the woman folk?
    I've got Weird Al's "Amish Paradise" on my brain now...

  9. I love this show...I don't care what the Amish man thinks! They can suck it with their hairy faces!

  10. I'm thinking the Amish would just be bored with this show. (And that says a lot.)

  11. I'm trying to figure out if there's a difference between the Amish and Orthodox Jews..?

  12. Hey Jesse! Thanks for the blog of the day mention! I truly appreciate it...

  13. I'm not Amish and I'm offended! :-)


  14. I'm uncomfortable with the whole concept of this show, never mind the poster.

  15. And yet you found a picture of an Amish...

  16. Well it's a good thing nobody cares what the Amish think with their fancy barns and goat milking techniques. And those hats make them look dorky

  17. I'll bet there's never been an Amish relationship produced over the internet, either. Gotta give them credit for sticking to their beliefs in this crazy fast-paced world. I know I couldn't do what they do. (I'd miss playing Bejeweled Blitz too much.)

  18. Also, don't the Amish think the color red is bad, except in a quilt? So her red dress is evil. But if she were wearing a quilt with red, and one of those little frilly caps, she would be good to go. Problem solved!

  19. what's the difference between a jew and a domino's pizza?

    the pizza doesn't scream when you toss it in the oven.

    you jewish people are so hateful. wonder why the holocaust occurred? see how many millions your people killed in russia during the jew led revolution and the aftermath.

    you are nothing but an escaped oven stuffer roaster.
