Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What I am about to suggest is HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE – First class ticket to hell worthy. That being said, the evil part of me thinks it would be kind of a hoot. Here’s what I’m thinking: Simply give a “thumbs up” to a marginally tragic Facebook statement. See Example below.

PLEASE NOTE: Before attempting use your best judgment. There are obviously some truly horrific situations you should never Thumbs Up.  Oh, and also make sure the FB person posting the statement has a sense of humor. 

Best of luck and let me know how it turns out.


  1. This is hilarious, except then you get notifications of follow-ups after you "like" things... there should be a way to disable that.

    Or you can go all out, like this guy:

  2. That would be absolutely troubling if a family member did that to me. If it was someone I had never met, then I could understand. But anyone, be it family or friend, that would cause a lot of undo stress.

  3. At least Jani didn't like her own status...that drives me crazy! Of course you like it, you posted it!

  4. I'm a trickster, so I love it. I would love to see the person who just posted that they're eating cereal wonder why he got the thumbs up. It may haunt him all day long....

  5. That's pretty wicked. But somewhat awesome. No, no.. I did not just say that :P

  6. I'll just avoid Facebook and save myself the hassle.

  7. You are indeed an evil evil man, but funny as can be!

  8. Vandalizing wikipedia is a lot more fun. Turkish people always used to go on the article about the Armenian genocide and change it to say that there was doubt as to whether it had actually happened or not. So they had to block the article from public editing. I'm pretty sure Mel Gibson was doing similar things to the article on the Holocaust. Also, changing Ray Romano to Gay Romano always cracks me up.

  9. I've been doing this for months....
    In fact, I click "Like" on everything, no matter what it is.

  10. Tsk, tsk. I somehow have this feeling you got into a lot of trouble as a kid. Am I right? :)

  11. I have liked some truly horrible things. But only with people who have a dark sense of humor.

  12. I've had people like my statuses that were not good. The worst, though, is when I post something that isn't very appropriate (i.e. with sexual connotations) and my little brother "likes" it. Always gives me the heebie jeebies. I really should remember to hide family from seeing those things.

  13. I don't know why I find this so hilarious, but I'm about to go play this 'game' on facebook right now. (Not really, but it's a good idea.) xo

  14. The Sick Fucker game.

    I play it too often.

  15. I've been known to play this game from time to time.
    What drives me nuts is when someone posts something tragic and then someone comes along and comments with *DISLIKE!!* *ZOMG THEY NEED A DISLIKE BUTTON!!!*

    Well they don't have one of those and you are not original for thinking there should be one. Get over yourself. Jerk.


  16. Dude you are seriously demented...I likes!

  17. nooooooooooooooo don't do it!!! :P
    haha that's messed up! :P
