Monday, November 1, 2010


I'd never speak ill of the hearing impaired. That being said, if a hearing impaired person is being an asshole to me – all bets are off. Truth be told I’m 70% sure I've already been slighted by a deaf person…actually deaf teens to be exact. Back in '95 I lived near a deaf high school. Around that time I also thought dressing like the cast of NBC's WINGS was really cool. Every day I'd wear some type of denim shirt (like Joe Hackett wore) to my ad job.
I looked like a dork and apparently those 3 deaf punk teens knew it. As soon as they got on the subway they'd look at me. Smirk. Then sign furiously to one another. I know they were signing sh*t about me. Sadly though I could never prove it.
Double sadly, I still dress like a dork today. But if I ever run into that situation again I am now fully prepared. Here are 3 EASY CURSE WORDS TO SIGN TO A MEAN DEAF PERSON.

Be honest, am I going to hell?

BTW…if you’d like to learn more about ASL (American Sign Language) click here. If you’d like to learn more about dirty sign language words click here.


  1. I'm almost deaf in one ear... So I think I can represent the deaf community in saying you're not going to hell.

    Dickheads are Dickheads whatever language they use.

  2. Hey dude, I added some more to my last post about the audio software. Check it out, you might find it more helpful now :)

  3. Not hell. Maybe somewhere worse than hell? Maybe a hell full of a-hole def people?

  4. Educational and douchey. I love it. hee hee

  5. Well just coz someone's deaf doesn't give them the right to be mean and get away with it!

  6. I've been cussed out in sign language before. I can only assume it'll happen again. lol

  7. well, you could always learn a bit of ventriloquism, eh?
    9I would suggest Jeff Dunham's style, as you don't really care what the deaf folk can see.
    I mean...if you wanted to see their reaction to being laughed at.
    Turn about seems fair play, but, butt heads will always be butt heads, won't they?

  8. What ever happened to the good ole middle finger?

  9. Learning to curse in a "foreign" language? Count me in. LOL

  10. I'm somewhat hard of hearing. (I do fine one on one and don't usually have a problem with male voices. It's the soft or high pitched voices I often struggle to hear correctly). I can tell you, that we hard of hearing peeps definitely can be jerks. Just ask anyone who pisses me off. ;)

    BTW, I love denim shirts. They're not dorky!

  11. I'm not sure if you're going to hell, but if you do, be sure to blog from there!

  12. I have it pretty bad for Joe Hackett.

  13. I freaking love it! My cousin and his wife are both hearing impaired and they love to teach us different signs. My hubs loves the sign for vagina. Figures! And deaf people want to be treated like everyone else so if they are being dicks then treat them like you would a non-deaf person!

  14. It's kind of like people talking about you in a foreign language. Actually it's just like that. Feels bad man.

  15. you have a good point here... just because you're deaf doesn't mean you can be an asshole

  16. yep bad people come in all shapes and sizes

  17. Deaf people deserve special treatment, but they don't deserve entitlement

  18. the sexual hand gestures are the best

  19. Interesting point of view you made there. I am profoundly deaf who is fluent in sign language. I do agree with you that there are jerks, regardless of their disability or lack thereof. You're right - you have no way of knowing what they were saying. For all you know, they were critiquing the plaid pattern. ;)

  20. Based on that picture, Justin Bieber is a chronic sideways curser. You just blew his cover. Great work.

  21. P.S. the deaf people HATE the term "hearing impaired". Go ask your friends, relatives, acquaintances who are deaf and see what they think of the term. Not those who are slightly or partially deaf. You'd be surprised.

  22. But you don't hear me though. I agree w you if someone is an a-hole it doesn't matter that they talk with their hands.

  23. Hey this is a new language I can learn and I don't need Rosetta Stone! Thanks man.

  24. You could potentially be going to hell...though I think there's a loophole since they were making fun of you. (I'm sure you looked quite dashing, btw!)

  25. you may ideed be going to hell, but it won't be for this. I worked with several deaf folks and a couple of them were A-holes!

  26. You can get assholes from all walks of life (or no walks in the case of the legless asshole) some of those bastids use their disability to get away with shite like that.

    You are in NO way going to hell...
