Saturday, November 27, 2010


If anyone cares, the jar (with a screw-on lid) was invented by John Landis way back in 1858. 

If anyone further cares I bought a House of Blues mason jar when I was in Chicago.
It's now gathering dust. In the jar’s defense it didn’t contain anything to add to its presentation. The following jars won’t have that issue. In fact, I'll take it one step further and guarantee that ANYONE on your holiday list will absolutely cherish these jar gems for years to come.

- 5 ½” tall
- Never been opened

- Accurate detailing
- Plastic non-slip lid

- Made of wool fleece
- Jar has round design

- 14 oz. jar (family size)
- Feet stored in vinegar


  1. the initial jar u got up i see every time i go to bars or jpanese resturants... kinda creepy LMAO .. but the husband says it taste good the saki[ spellcheck?] not the snake lmao

  2. i wouldn't purchase any of this stuff unless i had a severe mental disorder lol

  3. Pickled pigs feet is good noms...
    you gotta try 'em!

  4. Mason Jars rock my socks.
    By the by... I confessed on FB that you're my celebrity crush. ;-)

  5. I wonder how they got the snake in there so perfectly coiled? Pigs feet? Yup some people love them. I've never tried them, and nor do I care to...pass! :0)

  6. I have to say, your blog is totally addicting. I've been anxiously awaiting a new post.
    My only relevant comment to this jar post is: how freaking long does it take you to find this stuff?

  7. That's the only place I ever want to see a snake.

  8. omg I jumped a mile when I clicked on your post!!! I am sooooo terrified of snakes! Thanks a lot!!!! : P

  9. Lovely gifts for the Monster In Mother in Law

  10. OK, so I totally have a story about jars. Every year at the in-laws (yeah, their whack) we do a theme and draw names for gifts. In 99 the gift had to fit in a jar, I was recovering from a surgery gone bad so they drew my name and jar for me. I got a jar the size of a golf tee. In law's are whack. That is all. Did you have a good Thanksgiving and did you do Black Friday?

  11. lmao pig's feet.

    I don't understand why the brain is 32 dollars though.

  12. the one with the snake really looks cool!

  13. I like the alien in a jar ... my nephews would like that one too.

  14. I would love to have jars of stuff in my room

  15. I love how the pickled pigs feet is "value size". A doc I used to work with had a bottle like the first one on his desk. CREEPY!

  16. the ultimate in "freaky crap in a jar" is Philadelphia's Mutter Museum. They've got fetuses and animals and all sorts of organs and body parts. Just don't go right before or right after eating....

  17. Oh, I've seen the pig feet before. GROSS. I think it's even more gross than that dang snake. ICK. Now I've got the itchies all over.

  18. sick sick sick....but thankful for mason jars they are great for making limoncello! Yeah for alcohol!

  19. You know, I know you're Jewish and all but I was going to give you a Christmas gift anyway... except now you have ruined it, which makes me very sad. sigh.

  20. Why would you put a zombie head in a jar? Do you really need to preserve the undead?

  21. Hmm, I think I'll send my sister-in-law's mom the pig's feet for Xmas. She'll never make me worship Jesus again. Thanks for the perfect gift idea. xo

  22. Oh my...I don't know that I could get anyone one of those. I couldn't handle it long enough to wrap it. **shivering now**

  23. Thanx for giving me Blog of the Day!!!!

    I'd like to thank my mummy and my daddy, without them this could not be possible.

    I'm so emotional and overwhelmed.

    Thank you....thank you...

  24. Your post ideas just crack me up. I'm totally cracked. I'm seeping blood. I need to remember this before coming to your blog. Another thing- why is the inventor of the jars not John Ball? Why did a Mr. Ball get his name on the jar and Mr. Landis get shoved aside? Makes no sense.

  25. I can appreciate everything on that list except the pigs feet. Who seriously eats those?!
