Thursday, January 6, 2011


You tell me. I’m more of a matzo guy. I mean I saw these little “body of Christ” wafers used at a first (or was it a second?) Communion I attended.

And I’m pretty sure I watched the Corleones woof down wafers in the Godfather. My question is this – If you eat a Communion wafer at any other time outside of church, is that considered a sin? Again, the only way I can relate is I’ve eaten Matzo during a Jewish ceremony. Yet I’ve also devoured Matzo pizza while watching football.

My point is this, our unleavened bread satisfies both holy and hungry urges. So what's the deal with your heavenly Christ crackers?


  1. I think Jesus prefers you to eat his symbolic body inside a church.

    But I would also think he doesn't want all his peeps going hungry. So when it's a wafer or wasting away, I'm guessing he's cool with us putting down a few.


  2. The communion wafers are not the "body of Christ" until consecration, so I guess you can eat them outside church as a snack. No different, religiously speaking, than other ordinary bread. As far as I know, that is. I'm not a practicing Catholic.

  3. Sounds like a nice sandwich!

  4. Snack away. It doesn't matter, it's all symbolic. Christ himself just broke plain old unleavened bread when he performed the first communion.

    I like dunking them. Actually they taste horrible. Fresh out of the pack they taste stale.

  5. bleh... They dont have any flavor...

  6. I'm not a practicing Catholic, but if I recall correctly, you can do whatever you want with the wafers before they are blessed by a Priest during communion...after that it's a different story. However, from what I remember they are very would need some Nutella on those puppies :0D

  7. I'm sorry, just distracted by what a priest might do with communion wafers, cheese whiz and salami...

  8. It ain't nothing but a sorry ass cracker! I think the catholic church would turn around their falling membership if they started using Ritz crackers instead.

  9. Jesus crackers are pretty much tasteless and I won't consider eating those anywhere as desecration.

  10. Marnie and Nikk J got it right. It's just bread until blessed. Any bread will do, but they prefer the bland, horrible stuff. Guess cause it lasts longer.

  11. communion bread is holy, it's a whole process where the priests pray to God and the bread becomes holy

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. i don't really know enough to tell you anything useful about the christ crackers.

    what i can tell you is that the priests definitely do NOT like it when you 'pop out for a quick smoke' during the service, then drink all the communion wine.

    especially not when you're the altar girl.

  14. Perhaps you can tell me what Matzo is and save me googling it. Feeling lazy tonight.

  15. is that community wafer for real?

  16. We don't even get those crackers at church - just broken bread. Wonder if that's wrong?

  17. Looks yummy. What I want to know, is it a sin to ask for seconds???

  18. No idea - if I stepped in a church, I'd probably spontaneously combust.

  19. lol are they tasty? if yes, i say go for it

  20. I'll eat anything with squirt cheese on!

  21. love how all of your stuff is so picture heavy.

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  23. Lol, that's something to think about! ;)

  24. symbolism. siboioism. nihilism. alcoholism.

    drinking grape juice,and wafers, together, pondering pointlessness, getting drunk...

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    stupid stuff i see and hear
    Bruce’s guy book
    the guy book
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  25. Oh ill be right back, gotta go pick up some communion wafers.

  26. I don't know if I can answer that lol

  27. Those communion wafers look delicious! Do they come salted? I think I'll pick some up, snack on 'em while watching T.V. then to Jesus I'll be all like "whatcha gonna do about it, motherfucka?"

  28. I didn't even know you could buy communion wafers like that. I suppose it's not quite the 'body of Christ' if you eat them in front of your TV.

    Hopefully you survive your sinning. That would be a hilarious sin to confess though.

  29. I actually LOVED the taste of those Communion wafers, and I would LOVE to get my hands on some now....but if I walked up to Communion in a Catholic Church, I'm pretty sure the walls would come tumbling down.

  30. A Catholic friend told me it doesn't matter WHERE you eat the wafers, as long as you don't GOBBLE. "You never crunch the Host." Also, don't spit them out or pick them out of your teeth. Just let them melt gently on your tongue.
