Tuesday, January 18, 2011


When I first started blogging I read some Digg article that said, "If you want to grow your blog, host a giveaway!"
You get views and help a small biz in the process.
Win, win situation…right? WRONG!

It was wrong 'cause I tried to go through some middlemen company. It sucked! First they refused to tell me what sponsors they represented!  Then they rejected my ass ‘cause my analytics weren’t up to their standards. And that’s why “bitter me” decided to set up (with the help of 3 partners) BLOGGERDISE.COM

In a nutshell…
Bloggerdise is a free service that connects bloggers with companies that want to do giveaways. If you go on the site you’ll immediately see all the companies (artists, webshops, etc.) 

And once you scroll your mouse over each ad you’ll see…
- What the company is all about
- And what they're willing to provide for the blog giveaways
(freebies, exclusive discounts, free services, blog content, etc.)
How does it work?
You register for free...
...and then you have access to the contact links. You can even create your own free giveaway banner too.

So what’s the catch?
Since the site is pretty new we're still trying to get more sponsors. That’s where I need your help. Aside from the registering, if you could also spread the word (to bloggers and sponsors) that’d be a huge help. 

My promise to you:
Even if the above stuff doesn’t float your boat, I promise you this – If we get 150 blog signups by Feb 1st I shall do the following:
Eat an Oreo® with a generous application of Velveeta®.
Oh, I’ll also be wearing a baby bib, and there’s a good chance I’ll be shirtless.

Still up in the air about whether I video or just photograph the whole thing.

FYI…I don’t have a bloggerdise button yet, so I’m using this one for now. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll check it out. 


  1. "Eat an Oreo® with a generous application of Velveeta®."

    That's just cheesy.

  2. I find this idea to be the height of awesome, as you know. Bravo!

  3. I'm might gag with just the mental image of your promise.

  4. Great idea, but I suspect oreos with velveeta are not new for you. Shirtless with a bib--I could get into that.

  5. I would do almost anything to see you shirtless in a bib, except join Boggerdise.

  6. I have used a couple of the other sites.
    prizey.net wants you to pay them to host your giveaway and Tomoson.com expects you to have 2000 twitter followers! STUPID!!
    Your idea is much better. Plus you might enjoy the Oreo/ Velveeta thing.
    AND I screw Prizey over by seeing what companies are on their site and emailing them directly!! Bad me! ;-)

  7. Wow... Button=FAIL.

    Proud of you for Bloggerdise darling...

  8. Awesome idea! I'm going over to sign up right now :)


  9. I don't do giveaways because I'm a selfish bastard, but that's cool that you've set up that site.

  10. Three things.

    1. Thanks for making me blog of the day.
    2. I shall be posting about the site tomorrow.
    3. Your follower count sits at 666 right now. While I'm not saying you are the anti-christ... who am I to argue with numbers?

  11. wear the bib naked and covering only your ass while you eat, and you've got yourself a deal.

    just a sec......okay, i took the liberty of making this a legal, binding contract, and now you have no choice.

    can't WAIT.

  12. I'm sorry copyboy. When I first read this I thought you were joking. I will definately sign up. I repent in dust and ashes.

  13. Idk about this, aren't you now become said middleman? XD

  14. ahah well go for it buddy, follow me back

    Wanna get the ladies? learn my shit.

  15. bloggerdice is nice
    i will try to spread the word

  16. totally in just got to add you to my sidebar

  17. I had no idea that I didn't have to come up with the gift. That's what I was referring to in my email to you. I will register for sure. Sorry for the confusion!!

  18. That sounds like a really nice concept! :D

  19. I would assume this is all a clever joke, but knowing you ...

  20. What a great idea! I will register right away!

  21. This is the most useful post I've seen from you (aside from the what not to do in the men's bathroom, of course)! Thank you and I'll spend more time thinking about this today.

  22. I don't know if you wanna eat an oreo with velveeta, bro.

  23. I joined up with it. It's a pretty cool little site

  24. Very useful, will check it out

  25. Congratulations Mr Business! Velveeta, Oreoes, and a bib - sounds like a bad porn movie.

  26. Putting it on my sidebar for you!

  27. Sweet! I'm signing up and shall spread the word! :)

  28. Very cool site! Now if only I was reputable and credible enough to host a giveaway...

  29. I signed up right away man! I think that this is a great idea. I will stick the button on my sidebar for you and of course promote the shit out of it! And I say you should video the damn thing!

  30. Thanks for sharing, its pretty cool. This year I'm looking forward to take a break and enjoy nature as I go for vacation, well maybe after I find some Texas Land Sales. Anyway I really like your blog and i really appreciate the excellent quality content you are posting here.
