Friday, May 20, 2011


I was going to mention which jar of goodness I love to finger. However I felt the need to interrupt my mindless post for a peek into my uber-pathetic-ness.
I can say I’ve reached a new low. As a card carrying man I probably shouldn’t admit to this, but what the hell. In the last two months I have heard the following phrase uttered at least 4 maybe 5 times from my DVR…

The show is your basic VH1 / Mtv hellspawn (aka reality show)! 
It centers around the post-Hills, post-Dancing with the Stars hottie Audrina Patridge ... 
... and her wacky family. 
Hey, my wife likes the show not me. It’s stupid. So stupid. Ugh really stupid. Especially the first 3 episodes. The 4th wasn’t so bad. And I kinda like the 5th one. And yes, I’m so psyched for episode 6!!!  What’s going to happen between Aurdina and Donald Trump? Will Casey fight with her mom?!!! I truly can’t wait for the next ...

I’m pathetic! My manhood should be revoked. Oh, and to make matters worse I caught myself singing the theme song on my way to work. Bye-bye testicles.

I dare you not to snap your fingers and stomp your feet!!!!


  1. I'm out of the loop on this one, never heard of it.

  2. Wow! I can't believe you said that out loud!

  3. Your man card has expired!!!!!(just kidding) but you gotta love that show,I dvr it too !!!!!!!!
    You Rock CopyBoy ;) for BOTD ;)

  4. Look, we all have our dirty secrets. Doesn't make you less of a man. In the same way me enjoying a show about weddings doesn't infringe upon my masculinity.

  5. Quit fingering the jar and put your whole damn head in it, dear.

  6. Her view in that bikini puts your manhood on fair warning, but in no way is it in such danger as to be revoked. Proceed!

  7. It feels better if you use the Light jar.

  8. we all have our guilty pleasures i suppose :x

  9. Mayo with sandwiches are full of win!

  10. I read on another website that the water content has increased drastically over the years.

  11. damn, we all love to waste our time on some stuff like that, don't feel bad :D

  12. *Still staring at her boobs*

    I need to get a boob job.


  13. If it weren't for the hot chicks, your man card would be required at the front desk.

  14. who cares, shes hot, I understand you

  15. On the subject of fingering jars, PEANUT BUTTER!
    Happiness in butter form.
    Putting it on sandwiches is like baking cookie dough.
    It ruins the purpose...

  16. Want to go shopping, have lunch and try on clothes together???

  17. You like the show because you want to do her. Plain and simple. *sigh*

  18. I've never even heard of that show...I am addicted to Celebrity Apprentice and American Idol though..and I'm stoked for the Bachlorette starting soon! But I'm a it's okay, lol!

  19. dude, i was so excited to watch this show then forgot like the entire season to watch it. her family is lame though. i need spencer and heidi drama!

  20. I think reality shows are addicting because people are so damn interesting. If they are stupid, you can laugh at them. If they are mean, you can hate them and congratulate yourself you arent'them. If they are smart, they are interesting. You can hardly lose with a reality show.

  21. Her looney mother is a major train wreck making the show nearly intolerable but we can't blame you for tuning in to see Audrina and her fun bags ; )

  22. We don't do reality shows and I've never heard of this one. I was hoping you would have written about mayonnaise. haha.

  23. As a female I can tell you testicles are highly overrated, what with the need to protect them at all times and whatnot. If it's any consolation, you can always remind them to ignore the context of the show and stick to the visual—Audrina's breasts and behind.

  24. Audrina has the weirdest eyes. I can't focus on the shows she's in because I keep expecting her eyes to slide off her face.

  25. Are you trying to make me record that on my DVR or something? You've got me all interested in the wacky family stuff. Okay, I'm not interested anymore...just obsessed with losing weight faster. 10 more pounds! My goal is definitely the emaciated look Audrina sports. For real.

  26. ew grosssssssss. That girl is so fake.

  27. Yeeeeeeah... I'm gonna have to take a punch from your man card.

  28. I was gonna revoke your ManCard, but then I saw dat ass...
