Monday, May 2, 2011

NERD BLING for SUMMER 2011 (part 1.)

I so can’t wait for the latest crop of superhero movies this summer! You got Green Lantern, Cap (nerd nickname for Captain America), X-Men: First Class, and of course – THOR!!! 

Interesting bit of useless trivia. For good luck I always use the name THOR: GOD OF THUNDER on my NCAA draw sheet. Alas, the name has never helped me win. 
Oh, and also that the most definitive Thor collection ever created was by Walt Simonson (issues #337 – #382). The omnibus (dork for big book) goes for 73 bucks.

If you do decide to see the film this Friday I’d personally come equipped with this glorious piece of Asgardian ass!
  • 18” accurate, aluminum-based replica (includes etched quote)
  • handle wrapped in genuine glove leather
  • includes museum quality, acrylic display case
  • Only 1,000 pieces created

FYI…it was going for $350 before the movie came out. My guess is the price has gone up.

Either way it’d totally be worth it to sport one. I mean one glance of this hardware and all thy nerds will be grabbing tissues and running for the nearest men’s room (myself included.)


  1. imagine a serial killer using that

  2. A slow painful death with Thor's hammer. lol.

  3. i actually want to see that movie

  4. I like that the handle is wrapped, it would be just my luck to take a swing at someone and have the damned thing slip from my grasp and go flying. And thanks for making me blog of the day! You rock.

  5. So excited for Thor! when I saw the first preview my mouth hit the floor

  6. Who doesn't love a bad ass super hero?!

  7. I'd rather have Grabthar's hammer... ;)

  8. Wow!! Thor has been my favourite Norse God since forever.. :D :D Will watch that movie sometime.. :)
    I have an award for you.. :D :D Drop by and pick it up when you can.. :)

  9. Dare you to go with the hammer and in full costume!

  10. Lol, only 350!? Well that is a steal for THE POWER OF A GOD!

  11. I could use it to tenderize steak before grilling. Of course, I'd be wearing a cape...

  12. saw it the otherday, it was pretty good

  13. Not my kind of "piece of ass"....hahaha

  14. Well...I USED to have superpowers, you know. My therapist took them away.

    (ok, not really...but I saw that on a t-shirt and your post reminded me of it!)

  15. I can't believe Kenneth Branna is directing a super hero will either be awesome or suck

  16. Can't put a price on superpowers :0)
