Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SUPER-RAD RECALLED TOYS (an ongoing series)

The toy at the top of my list has to be the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. It sold for a whopping 50 bucks from 1950-1951. So why would those Government Fun-killers put an end to this toy? Honestly, I have no clue. The set came with an electroscope, a geiger counter, a manual, a comic book (Dagwood Splits the Atom), and a government manual – that’s it. ). I mean what’s so bad about that?
Ok, maybe if I had to venture a guess, it might be ‘cause the kit also contained 4 types of low level uranium ore: a beta-alpha source (Pb-210), a pure beta source (Ru-106), a gamma source (Zn-65?), a spinthariscope, a cloud chamber with its own short-lived alpha source (Po-210.

FYI…one set sold recently on ebay for 5 grand


  1. 50 bucks in '50-'51, was quite costly!

  2. That's it, i will buy it and either end up like the incredible hulk or in the hospital with an uranium intoxication. If you don't see me around for a while, you know what happened.

  3. This is the type of toy people should've given me when I was a kid.

  4. Holy crap! I would so get one, if it didn't cost a limb.

    Also thanks for making me Blog of the Day! Cheers.

  5. I need one. I need one now. I need one, a humpback elf, a laboratory, two buttons, and a pigeon.

  6. Its like a make your own nuclear bomb toy! awesome!

  7. Five grand!??! Holy Crapiola!! Fuckin' Jackpot of NOTE

  8. $5,000!!!!, somebody made a killing, possibly the government.

  9. If I only had 5 grand.... no wait, I still wouldn't buy it

  10. It contained actual nuclear material? Yeah that would be a good reason to recall it.

  11. I will finish your sentence for you. One recenently sold on ebay for 5 grand to the Iranian Government.

  12. That's not exactly politically correct these days.

  13. If they sold things like these nowadays everyone would radiate a glow of happiness

  14. Holy crap that is awesome, and I thought I had a cool science set growing up.

  15. Does it also come with a toupee to wear when your hair starts falling out? If that is in the mix, I'm good for the 5 grand.

  16. Were they afraid kids would blow things up? Well, maybe they would...

  17. The government is such a killjoy!!! And wowza...that was a lot of money!

  18. I had an awesome chemistry set in the early 70s. Unfortunately, dad confiscated the alcohol lamp immediately. I also had a dissecting kit; Mum confiscated the dissecting needle/probe, hid it, stuck her finger with it later on, had to get a tetanus shot. No more kits. :-((

  19. I know what I want for Christmas....

  20. Sweet toy! I like this blog; following!

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