Thursday, September 8, 2011


22 years ago today (give or take a couple of months) Weekend at Bernie’s hit theaters. It’s total box office take, $30,218,387.18. Critics and moviegoers reactions were pretty much split down the middle for this B-level, black comedy. 

Cast notables included Jonathan Silverman and 2nd string brat packer, Andrew McCarthy. Both of whom are still working, despite doing Weekend at Bernie’s II in ’93. No word on when the 20th anniversary deluxe DVD edition will be hitting Walmarts. Oh wait, it did, 2 years ago. You can find it at DVDland for only $12.95. Happy?


  1. I remember renting this for my kids... on VHS!

  2. I totally loved this movie back then. I still kinda do.

  3. I still have respect for anyone who can act dead and not go all zombie.

  4. Haven't seen it. Time for googling a link and watching it.

  5. Same as GMS, i haven't seen it, buuut i see no reason to miss it. Will try to watch it today. If everything fails at least i will look for the funny parts in youtube hahaha

  6. Screw. Every. Hater.

    This movie is the ultimate '80's movie. It's insipid, stupid, and awesome. This is so brainlessly fun, the written word can't encapsulate its' awesomeness.

    Seriously. If you guys haven't seen this movie, you need to. Hell, even the sequel wasn't THAT bad, for all that it wasn't as good as the first.


  7. If it's a black comedy.. why are they all white? I have a feeling you're lying to us, Mr Copyboy.

  8. What a plot for a movie, right?! I remember when it came out, what a 'hit'. Sheesh, late 80s, what did you do to our pop culture??
    BTW, soo random, but I came across a fun albeit disturbing trivia tid bit. I thought about doing it on my blog, but I just couldn't. You could maybe stoop that low. Hey, that is a compliment. Ever heard of a 'tappen'. Just saying, could be a "Not Worth Mentioning' gold post. Please don't block me from your blog, haha.

  9. Oh Jaysus now I feel fuckin' old! I loved that film.

  10. The most groin hits on a dead guy of any movie I believe.

  11. I thought Bernies was supposed to be pretty good, but I haven't watched it. If it's 20 years old now I probably should though.

  12. Imagine being the guy who played Bernie. That's a lot money for basically doing jack shit.

  13. Every time I see this movie I always wonder how NOBODY notices he is dead. lol.

  14. We took my son to the movies to see this because he begged us. It was pretty cute. But I think I might have been stoned too. Can't remember!!

    Doing OK here Jesse. Just wish I could move forward.

  15. This movie was epic. I demand an updated version!

  16. lol weekend at bernies. what a classic! i can't believe it grossed 30 mil tho

  17. They are lucky they survived the sequel.

  18. I know I've seen this movie, but it was so long ago, I've generally forgotten the premise of it.
