Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sometimes we might not totally grasp a post. Or, let’s face facts – it might be a smidge too long. I’ve definitely written my share of those. If you don’t believe me click here to see (not read) my Yom Kippur post. Snoozeville! 

So if you want to show you stopped by, but don’t want to leave a “great post!" comment. Or worse, leave a comment that shows you didn’t read the post – BE A COMMENT LEACH.

Exhibit A.

Now here’s my comment:

Just remember to name the commenter. This will add validity to what you’re saying. Give it a try with this post. Practice makes perfect!


  1. I'm real curious to see how Bouncin' Barb feels about being made an example.

  2. I don't understand anything. I took the short bus to school.


  3. I absolutely never do this. Ever.

    No but in actuality, sometimes I do that even if I do read the post because I don't know what else to comment.

    Like, a post is all about the poster's ego, and all I can think to comment is how I wanna shove my foot directly up your ass and back out of the very mouth with all the crap said poster talking. Instead I'll agree with another commenter and be nice.

  4. I totally agree with D4. I can go without not comment leaching. Add less comment leaching to the mix and that’s just plain crazy!!!!


  5. I don't know, Everclear was pretty good, but they really came at the tail end of the whole grunge movement. I'm not even sure if they can be considered "grunge".

  6. a necessary evil...(and omg allentesch...such a smartass =)


    I don't really mind if you leave a bad comment on my blog, but don't expect me to follow back or leave a great comment.

  8. I've seen comments more generic than that. I haven't had one in a while.

  9. I want to be a comment leech too, I think I might be at times actually, damnit.

  10. Guys! I'm seeing some good effort here! Keep it up! Though try using your hips more! Not going to single any one person out. You know who you are.

  11. I'm confused now, do you want me to damn Barb as she's bouncin or you as you're boucin about Barb. Oh that sounded so bad..haha

    So true I hate it when people just go, "nice blog" +follow, especially when the idiots don't even follow. Do you think I don't look? What morons.

    And it's not hard to tell when someone doesn't read, I tend to just ignore them.

    So was I a comment leech as I went into the breach? Or did I over reach, now I'll go to the beach.

  12. I am on the same boat as Lola, as I am not totally sure what I need to be doing right now.

    But by the way, I loved your Yom Kippur post, and did not think it was too long at all. That is probably because my posts go on for days.

  13. I agree with D4 I read every post I comment on and just can't always think of some thing to say that isn't mean as hell. I'm a mean SOB!

    And yes read DWeis blog its great!

    Heck I love commenting on posts I've commented on posts with more detail then they were writen with! So thats all I have to say for today...
    Oh and I liked your post today its great!
    and have a good day!

  14. Great Post!
    Just kidding. It really bugs me when I work my butt off writing a post and all people ever have to say is "good job" or whatever. Bleh...

  15. I agree with allentesch about grunge and Everclear..but, what about Moist?

  16. Great post.

    But then it's not exactly correct to say that they are all blue is it ?
    I have seen yellow ones.

    Although thinking about it sometimes I really want to say fuck it all and have cake.

    But those monkeys are superb.

  17. blogging is serious business...there's no TIME to read the posts anymore man!

  18. It took me a while to get what you were saying. I'm not that swift. But Bingo! After reading it three times and the other comments, I got it! Now, here comes my intelligent comment:

    I am sometimes a comment leech because I don't want to repeat the same thing someone else said when they said exactly how I feel.

    Don't do this to me again. :(

  19. Guys! Keep it up!!! I'm seeing some real good stuff.

  20. I am just glad you showed my timely two-word comment in your example. Oh yeah, I agree with copyboy and cowgirl!

  21. Wow, I'm a comment celebrity!!! Is that a paying profession? Should look into it. Jesse, it's the Jersey Girl in me. I read and I say what I think about it. Nice post though....hahahaha.

  22. When I don't understand a post, I just bail...leaving no evidence that I was even there. I'd rather not say anything at all than to take someone else's comment and make it my own. This seems to be the more polite thing to do instead of posting a mindless comment hoping to get a virtual hand job in return!

    However, I do think Allentesch's comment makes a good point!

    I often wonder to myself, am I the only one who actually reads the posts beginning to end? It seems some people just skim through and pick out a line and make a comment to make it look like the read the whole post. I should start making my readers take a pop quiz at the end of each post to see how much they read. If they fail the test, I will un-follow them!
