Sunday, February 26, 2012


Leave it to those wacky Peruvian scientists to come up with such an obvious cure for low sex drive – FROG JUICE. Actually, Kermit’s liquefied innards do that and much, much more. Supposedly it’s a cure-all for…
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Sluggishness
  • And yes, low sex drive.
You can find this “Peruvian Viagra” at any of the local Lima restaurants. One frog smoothie will cost you about 90¢. Doesn’t include toppings.

And congrats to OK in UK for guessing Alan Stanwyk from FLETCH! I'll have more of those, rest assured. 


  1. My wife might go into hiding if I drank frog juice for my sex drive...

  2. I'll be passing on those smoothies...ewww. Not to mention, I like frogs so I don't want to see them blended.

  3. Lol that's pretty cool. I'd love to try one.... For the taste of course..

  4. What is it with certain places of the planet and low sex drive? I mean, the Chinese believe that the more exotic and freakish the food substance (by my p.o.v., mind ya - I'm biased) the better it is for your sex drive.

    Other places can be just as bad, where whole fucking meals are designed around improving your sex drive.

    AND THEN YOU'VE GOT THIS, Kermit Juice. Improves sex drive.

    I mean I know the advent of the internet and the availability of pornography has skewed mankinds' sexual image and desires, but c'mon...some of these recipes are centuries old.

    Maybe it's just me, I dunno. Just git yer confidence up and go for it~! Ya wanna fuck like a champ? Think like a champ. That kinda thing, y'knowhatImean?

  5. Sooo I'm guessing that the frog juice works as a placebo, at best... poor kermit.

  6. That's just nasty Jesse. Frog juice? Ewwww. But seriously, congrats to Mollie at OK in UK. She's awesome!

  7. Wow, it's so insane that this can be done. Just wow. Despite it's awesome sounding effects I don't know if I could stomach this.

  8. no thanks, frog juice sounds like something I'd avoid

  9. Do you ever wonder who the first person to try these miracle cures are? Think they said, let's see if this frog will improve my sex drive... or, let me try this and see what happens. Then, if they don't die, they check all over to see if anything feels better, or works any differently.

  10. I wonder what they'll think of next for low sex drive.

  11. Just like the green M&Ms.

    Thanks for letting me win! Love you!

  12. who are these people that travel the world trying to find cures for low sex-drives...and how do they test them. Do they have a captive frigid bloke that they cart around with them?

  13. I think I'll stick with my protein shakes. I put frozen strawberries in them. I'm losing weight and my sex drive is through the roof, as usual. And no one is here to catch it as if flies away.


  14. 90 cents? If I wasn't a demon with mr Wang, I'd move to Lima Peru fuhssho.


  15. It makes me wonder how people find this stuff out in the first place!?
    Like who decides to blend a frog and see what benefits it provides! Stick to blending Ipods people.

  16. Maybe it just gives your tongue more stamina...right?

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