Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Belgian cartoonist Peyo created the Smurfs in 1958. Two decades later this original blue group of characters became one of the hottest toyprosperities in the US. Two decades after that, these tiny toys are pretty much gathering dust in closets across the country. Though now might be time to clean ‘em off. Some of these creatures could actually Smurfyou some cash. How can you tell? Most of the data Smurf appraisers need is right underneath the foot in the form of strange markings. Here’s what they actually mean…
Year Stamp: Tells you when the actual Smurf mold was created.

Single Digit: If you get a single digit number (specifically 1-8 ), that’s good. It means your mold was one of the earlier ones.

Peyo Stamp: Every Smurf has got one of these creator stamps. Sorta like how the Cabbage Patch Kids were all signed by their real father – Xavier Roberts.

Manufacturer Stamp: Smurfs didn’t have one divine creator. They were split up between 3 manufacturers – Wallace Berrie & Co., Schleich, and Bully.

Country Stamp: Where the Smurf was produced in the world.

Muster Stamp: This is the one to look out for. Any Smurf with an M stamp means they are master prototypes. The highest quality Smurfsthat were painted with perfection. As a result, this little toy could Smurfyou anywhere from $100 to $300 bucks.


  1. This is why I always told mom I couldn't throw away any of my toys. Or give them away, for that matter.

  2. Thanks for the guide my man, I'll have to check the attic some day to see if I have a few Smurf figures, imagine being made rich by smurfs, that would be awesome.

  3. Now if I only had any Smurfs, that would mean something!

  4. Yeah but they're so cute and blue, why would you want to sell it?

  5. I hated Smurfs then and I hate Smurfs now. There, I've said it.

  6. Who knew that smurf stuff would be so expensive?!

  7. How do you smurf that which smurf is worth the most smurf?

  8. will pass this along to my daughter who I believe she still her has her original ones (she's 23 now!!)

    just wanted to let you know that I am blogging... again


  9. Are their feet big enough to hold all that info?

  10. I never really cared for smurfs as a kid but kinda of enjoy them now because of the weird smurf reference in Donny Darko. weird huh?

  11. I really didn't like smurf items at all. My kids did, but I couldn't wait for it to get "lost" because it was kind of spooky...

  12. What does it mean if I have a sexual depiction of a squirrel and a monkey on the bottom of the foot?

  13. I am still looking for the Smurfs Christmas album in Spanish. My father bought it for me as a child, but I lost it. I would give an arm and a leg to have that back!

  14. It's amazing how many old toys are worth a fortune.
