Friday, November 12, 2010


Back in the day (before the internet) I used to kill boredom the classic way. I'd squeeze some Elmers glue on my arm. Wait for it to dry. Then slowly peel it off my skin. Now that I’m more mature I sit back, crack open an ice cold Zima® (from my secret stash), 
and play the GOOGLE AWKWARD SEARCH GAME. Correction! Today I’m playing the SUPER GOOGLE AWKWARD SEARCH GAME –The instructions are pretty much the same, with a tiny twist...
In the search area type in part of a statement or question. Then simply let Google finish it off. However this time try to type in as few words or letters as possible. Take a gander at these golden Googlgems.


  1. I still do that with glue. Only I like to do an entire hand and try to peel it off in one piece. Is Lady Gaga a man? I've asked that one myself a time or two.

  2. Try searching for "dog mounts"... Apparently there's 2050+ hits for that a day. Someone sent it to me for "blog fodder" on my facebook. I was astonished. She found it through... none other than... the awkward google search game :D

  3. Truly the bottom of the barrel in killing time.

  4. lol thanks for sharin dude

  5. You should check out YouTube randoms too. There was something about a frog being accosted which was apparently hilarious. Havent looked at it myself.

    Doo always plucks his knuckle hair when he's bored at work. the only thing is he doesnt use tweezers he uses his teeth. Sexy huh? xx

  6. Wish I could get this bored...all I do is run around after my two crazy girl-children. I don't have time to do these wickedly exciting games that you play.

  7. thanks for this...interesting post

  8. Gay rice! I always wanted to know about that.

  9. Hilarious! I'm going to try this :)

  10. I love how the first "is d"s are Is Daniel Tosh Gay? LMAO You find the BEST shite.

  11. is always hilarious to see how Google will finish your question. I am the Queen of Google so i know what you mean. Dont try the Elmer's thing with a glue gun. It hurts ...BAD!

  12. I could tell you how women get costume unitard off to go to the bathroom, but it beter to lave you guessing!

  13. Oh the wonders people search through the Google search engine.

  14. I entered "Is " and this came up "is justin bieber gay" lol. And thing of the glue, that was cool, lol.

  15. I did not think they even MADE Zima any more...wasn't that a drink for recovering alcoholics??

  16. I think we need a post with know, applying glue, watching it dry, and peeling it off. I wanna know if any of your arm hair comes off with it. Come on, you know you wanna!

  17. It appears the general populace is as confused about Gaga's identity as Gaga is his/her/itself. xo

  18. This is the best game EVER!! (The glue comes in a close second though!)

    I'm gonna have to do this on my bloggy...unless you'll sue me for copying your style?

  19. These aren't nearly as dirty as the ones I used to find in my old programming class. These are more... "wut" entries.

  20. haha crazy game...truly makes u laugh :P

  21. These are just plain old hilarious. You've even got me doing them now.
    What about the "unitard?"
    That word makes me think of several things that are all socially unacceptable and politicaly incorrect...
