Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ARE WE ALL JUST MINDLESS SHEEP? (an ongoing series)

So just ‘cause the motion picture throws out all the snooty bells and whistles does that mean we don’t think for ourselves. Do we automatically assume a film is a shoe-in for a golden something if it's French and has a slew of leaf logos? Case in point.

Translation: I just made love to a guinea pig

Praiseworthy or not? FYI...it'll be out on DVD June 8th.


  1. I guess we will have to see when the movie comes out. lol.

  2. <3 guinea pigs! We'll see the answer when the movie comes out haha

  3. FYI...I made up the movie (poster and all.) Just my own warped experiment.

  4. I would watch that film. It's French so obviously, there would be more to it than that. Mind you, no one would understand what the rest of it was about, and it would end abruptly, but I'm sure it would be worth it.

  5. So question, does it show the sex or is it just eluded to? And if they do show it, is it gratuitous or tasteful?

    Only then can I say whether I would watch this.

  6. Ehehehehehe.

    I'd watch it..

  7. hell, i'd buy in on blu-ray

  8. That brain of yours! I understand they have medication for your condition. LOL!

  9. there you go...

  10. I'll be Jenna Jameson is in it! Oh wait she doesn't do anal!

  11. I'm putting those leaf thingies on my resume! I'm sure it'll impress. Right? RIGHT?

  12. A guy who lives down the road from me has two goats...I think he'd be really into this movie. ;)

  13. Always pay attention to the fine print.

  14. French movies only get a thumbs up from me if there are nekkid French women in them.

  15. hmmmm I'll watch it but for now I'm reserving judgement!

  16. Isn't that considered beastiality? hahaha

  17. It will be an outrage if my film, "My Ass," fails to win some key awards this festival season....
    It's the tale of a young boy and his pet donkey. Very heartwarming.

    Check it out!

    Of course, you ideas are good, too. :)

  18. I think you bring up an excellent point about leaf laurels and suppose it "viewer's choice" selections at the various froufrou film festivals. Some of them have been okay, but a lot of them have been the worst movies I've ever seen. I don't think his guinea pig idea is too far off the mark to be honest...
