Monday, May 23, 2011

BLOW OFF WORK TODAY AND GET YOUR ASS ON A REALITY SHOW has like a zillion casting opportunities for r-shows (like below) every day. Play your cards right for the camera and you could be the next Richard Hatch (minus the tax evasion and jail time 1 & 2). Click on each title for more casting information.

Are your dogs unruly?  Do they consume your life with their bad behavior?  Is there tension and bickering in your home because of them?   Help is on the way!!!   ANIMAL PLANET'S "ITS ME OR THE DOG"  IS CASTING IT'S 4TH SEASON!!!!
Start: 05/16/2011 End: 05/25/2011

Are you obsessed with the Real Housewives of NYC or NJ? Do you think you should be a cast member? Well, this is a new series that is looking for people with larger-than-life personalities just like theirs to host a quirky-in-theme event that we will cater!  

If interested in appearing on this brand new docu-series for a MAJOR cable network, then please reply with an uproariously hilarious email telling us who you are, the party you would like to throw (i.e. how many guests, possible themes, etc.), your contact info, and any photos or videos you may have of yourself.
Start: 05/20/2011 End: 08/02/2011

Are your friends constantly pulling pranks on you? Do you get tired of being the butt of their cruel jokes? If so, Fuel TV wants to help you get them back. Big Time! A new television pilot for Fuel TV and Cheri Sundae Productions wants to give you the opportunity to devise the perfect prank! If you are a good sport, not afraid to express your feelings, live in the Boston area we would like to hear from you!
Start: 05/18/2011 End: 06/01/2011


  1. All right! It's my big break. Adventure Ho!

  2. If only I lived in the Boston area, I would so be on that.

  3. I could be on The Biggest Loser, just not for weight.

  4. I've always wanted to be on TV!! :D

  5. I would pay good money to be on It's Me or the Dog, but my dog is very well-behaved -_-

  6. i don't have work to blow.

  7. You mean some people haven't been on one yet? losers!

  8. Put me on Britain's got Talent and I'll show you a thing or two.

  9. That is amazing! so many reality shows now, it's completely out of hand!

  10. Reality TV shows are just for pathetic low-level bipeds.


  11. Those aren't real housewives, are you kidding me? They don't DO anything but throw parties, go to lunch, shop, and gossip about the other housewives. Let's see REAL housewives struggling with budgets to get junior a new pair of shoes or managing the grocery store with bickering children in tow. Let's see houses littered with toys and laundry carpeting teen's floors.

  12. I don't have a kid of my own, think I am too old to get on Toddlers and Tiaras?? Its my fave. And I can do the pageant walk really good.

  13. I totally sent in an app for a discovery channel show! Sweet and thanks for the link!

  14. Further proof that reality tv programming is truly scraping the bottom of the barrel...

    The Ranter’s Box

  15. I dream of being a Z rated celebrity lol

  16. i admit i'm addicted to reality TV

  17. I hate these reality shows. I cannot believe people are even watching them. I must be getting old and cranky.

  18. I can't wait until they come out with smellavision. I'd blow your doors off (and anything else) with my special fart brew. $100K prize, here I come.

  19. Awww man, I only wish I was a desperate fame whore...

  20. Every time I think they can't find a dumber reality show....yep they come up with a dumber reality show lol.

  21. I'm so gonna be on Big Brother one just watch!

  22. never thought it was this easy.....

  23. I know I totally missed my calling on Real World back in the day. Obviously I can't stand to watch it anymore since I am way past the cutoff age anymore LOL! Dangit I would have had such a fruitful career. LOL
