My latest issue of MEDIA BUYING magazine came in the mail yesterday. Totally psyched it’s the annual Summer Series issue. That's the one that has the giant mega-listing (complete with descriptions) of every freakin’ show that'll be hitting the small screen this summer. And wow, there are some doozies. I think the ones below are truly the picks of this mutated litter.

MADOFF SOUNDS OFF (premieres May 14th / 8pm ET): Your standard “here's my side of the story” type reality show. The Madoff family shot this 16 part video diary series that will give us a rare glimpse into Bernie's prison days as well as what’s life like at home for the family – post scandal.

POLE DANCERS (premieres May 20th / 9:30pm ET): A contest series that has the hottest dancers from strip clubs across the country doing their sexy pole thang at the world renowned FLASHY Ds in Miami. The winner will receive $100K and a photospread in HotDancers Magazine.

OFFICE FREAKOUT (premieres June 8th / 8:30 PM ET): This is pretty much Punk’d meets The Office. Random company employees sign on to prank a coworker or boss with the intent of causing a major meltdown. The first show got so out of hand the producers had to cut some of the footage due to an unplanned injury and arrest.
YOU LOSE, YOUR PET DIES (web series): Probably will be the most talked about show of the summer. It’s so controversial every network passed on it. This import from the UK starts out just like your standard pop trivia game show. The winner who answers the most questions right goes home with £50000. The F'd up part is that the loser has to watch their precious pet be killed in some humane manner. Supposedly the producers only casted people with pets that have already lived full lives. No official word on when the series starts.
Believe it or not the last show is so shocking I really didn’t feel comfortable displaying it for all to see. So I hid the show synopsis on my post. In order to reveal it you need to click-and-hold the left mouse button. Then drag the mouse arrow over the blank space below.