This humanesque-Homer Simpson (and freaky Mario below) are the works of a computer illustrator known in the blogosphere as Pixeloo. His goal was to add human textures, detailing, and natural lighting to iconic cartoon characters. “Uncartoon ‘em” as he phrases it. What’s mind-blowing is these creations were built in photoshop CS2 in 2008. Just to give you some perspective, today, people are working with CS5 in the ad biz. Seeing as I’m a writer (not an art director), I can only assume that there have been some photoshop innovations that this guy didn’t have available to him.
"Expedition Bigfoot" Season 5 Episode 9
8 hours ago
ReplyDeleteThat creeped me out! Not sure I can watch the Simpsons how I used to...
ReplyDeleteOh yikes...nightmares coming up!
ReplyDeleteActually, the uncartooning thing can be done in older versions of Photoshop like 7.0 (CS2 is version 9.0 if I'm not mistaken) or older. You can check out in youtube how those illustrations are done. It's quite interesting. Here's an example:
ReplyDeleteJessica Rabbit
That's more then a little disturbing.
ReplyDeleteYet it's really kind of cool.
I've always been a fan of Mario and his 'stach.
ReplyDeleteHomer is just a goofball
Impressive! He probably could've done them in CS2, maybe even with a little help from Z-Brush.
ReplyDeletehis true age of 32ish! LMAO
ReplyDeleteThat's fantastic, thanks for sharing
ReplyDeletecreepy!! and awesome.