#1– Traditionally made gruel (with milk) has 247 calories per serving.
#2- The ancient Greeks used to eat gruel after their ritual sacrifices (animals or virgins – didn’t matter).
#3 – True, Charles Dickens wasn’t quite fond of gruel as presented in Oliver Twist. However in Jane Austen’s Emma there was much love for the cereal.
#4– The Simpsons lampooned gruel in season 4 episode 1.
BTW…if you want me to eat an Oreo® / Velveeta® sandwich while wearing a baby bib, I’m afraid you might not accomplish that goal. I had said I'd fulfill the bet only if Bloggerdise's “blog following" totaled 150 by the end of Feb 1st. Right now we are just shy of that tally. I'm happy and sad.