by Biz-Boy (NWM Staff Writer)
I think I was playing SOCOM II on the PS2 when I first discovered the joy of network gaming. Though I feel like then (as I’m sure now) that the problem is you're thrust right into the game against an unknown competitor. No introductions. Not even sure if it’s a boy or girl. Ok, probably not a girl, but still all you get is a code name and stats. I’m sure PS3 networking has a bit more e-bells and i-whistles. Though call me old fashion, I like the days in the early 00’s where online dating sites were how you got to know someone first. You could scan profiles, oggle pictures and then email or IM a perspective match. All before attempting to do anything in the virtual or real world.
Enter Your classic dating site with a bit of a twist. All the members are not only looking to meet someone, but also connect over video games. Right now it’s free to join and you can even browse the site before handing over your e-info. It's pretty much modeled like the other match sites. You can seek a male or female with your age and character qualifications (partier, smoker, brunette, etc.) You can also search by game preferences: action, fantasy, PS3er, Mac…whatever. Gamingpassions even has game themed chatrooms and an area to court each other over one of their online games.
Their online promo pretty much sums up the site in a quirky, playful, yet sexual nature.

This has like nothing to do with your post, but when I'm home alone, I sometimes bust out Rock Band for Wii and play with strangers online. When I first started doing this, I thought the other players could hear me on the mic. I would often flirt with the other band mates (they had male avatars) and say things like, "Wow OzzyFan89 you're hot on guitar!" ha ha :)