by Greg Colfaz (NWM Staff Writer)
Yo from Cottonwood, Idaho. So right at this exact moment, millions of people have said goodbye to guests staying over and are now getting down to setting up the brand spankin' new tech gift they got for Xmas. I’m pretty sure without a doubt 99.99% of you folks will have some sort of trouble during set up. 50% of those people will eventually get whatever it is to work (with minimal tears). While the rest of us will be pulling our hair out and cursing anyone that comes within 10 feet of us. If you’re in the latter category, here are some support numbers that might come in handy.
- Sony Playstation: 800-222-7669
- Xbox: 800-469-9269
- Apple: 800-275-2273
- DirecTV: 800-824-9081
- Hewlett-Packard: 800-474-6836
- T-Mobile: 800-937-8997
- AT&T: 888-387-6270
- Amazon: 800-201-7575

The most technical thing I got this year was the semicolon; which requires hardly any setup at all.