A bold statement I know. I’m starting with 10 ‘cause honestly I don’t have too much faith in myself. But one thing is for certain, I am NOT a quitter. My goal is to eventually get to 25 one-of-kind gems. Dare to dream.
Yes, most of these semi-sentences probably only make sense to me. A few on 'em will also guarantee me a first class ticket straight to hell. So is life. Please let me know if you’ve heard some iteration of the crap I’m about to spew. That is the only way I'll learn.
Oh and hey, If you want to work ‘em into your blog or use as an attention grabbing header go right ahead. In return I’d be cool with just a small shout out and a link up. On to the madness.
1- I know she’s a nun, but that doesn’t mean she can’t have a fine ass.
2- If I camped out in Middle-earth for 3 or 4 months I bet Hobbit farts would grow on me.
3- I would cradle Satan’s balls if it meant I could get a primo parking space at the free clinic.
4- I think snot nose brats could rule the world if you chain them to the right refrigerator.
5- I blog for the chicks and the free coke.
6- Squirrel meat totally tastes better than hamster meat, duh!
7- We didn’t cryogenically freeze gammy to help her live longer, it’s ‘cause we caught her cheating.
8- Back in the day, Vomitoriums must have kicked righteous ass!
9- The ear wax and mustard combine for an earthy texture.
10- I do everything effeminate with my left hand, except masturbate.